Israeli Count-Terrorist Training

israeli counterterrorism training for military and law enforcement


Aaron Cohen 2-Day Israeli Limited Penetration Room Clearing Course

Aaron Cohen is a National Counterterrorism Expert and Israeli Special Operations Veteran who has been training law enforcement for over two decades.

Cohen’s Counterterrorism Tac Course (law enforcement restricted) is a 2-Day tactical intensive based on the Israeli model for terrorist response and focuses on “limited penetration” room clearing for maximum effectiveness for terrorist clears. Cohen brought LimPen to the US from Israel over two decades.

Please contact us for more info to host Mr. Cohen at your agency.

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Israeli High Viz Pocket Folding I.D. Cap

Be highly visible while responding to an active threat while off-duty or plain clothed. Especially if forced to respond outside your jurisdiction. Reduce risk to yourself and overall liability to your agency by making sure other responsers know who you are  They fold up and run in your pocket and are easy to throw on under stress and allow officers to be highly identifiable when their guns are drawn.  Increase your agency's off-duty response capabilities and get your officers highly identifiable within seconds with this cost effective and proven solution to friendly-fire avoidance.

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Aaron Cohen Keynote Speaker

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Aaron Cohen Online GunJitsu Certification Training Course

GunJitsu is a firearms integrated mixed martial art that incorporates the use of vital striking, explosive throws, and extreme close quarters tactical shooting.  Designed by CTU Spec Ops Vet Cohen, GunJitsu incorporates many useable pieces and sequences that can be used for real world applications when performed correctly and within context.  Cohen started developing GunJitsu over ten years ago for spec ops units looking to explore practical solutions for close quarters scenarios where the attacker is too close to safely draw your firearm. GunJitsu was eventually brought to film and Keanu Reeves for the John Wick franchise which has grossed over 800m worldwide. 



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